
{Teaching Experience}
Student Teaching: Grade 1, Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT         December 2013-March 2014
·     Created objectives and lesson plans with differentiated instruction based on the Connecticut Common
Core State Standards
·     Responded to students’ needs by differentiating lesson plans/ used assessments to drive instruction.
·     Implemented Responsive Classroom strategies like morning meeting every day
·     Collaborated with first grade teachers for curriculum planning and attended data team meetings
·     Facilitated Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop
·     Organized Martin Luther King Jr. dedication performance with first grade teachers
·     Administered Spelling and Math tests to assess learning
·     Consulted with Literacy and Math specialists when planning units
·     Incorporated technology like: songs, animated programs, and videos in lesson plans
·     Utilized classroom management techniques like Class Dojo to decrease behavioral issues in the classroom
·     Administered Dibels tests to students once a week in my Reading intervention group
·     Created Math intervention mini lessons when additional instruction was necessary
Intern: Grades K-6, Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                     August 2013-June 2014                                                                   
·     Long-term substitute in 6th grade classroom:                                               October 2013-November 2013
-          Held parent teacher conferences for first marking period
-          Created lesson plans for spelling, science, social studies, health, and language arts
·     Substituted in grades: K-6
·     Assisted in Kindergarten classroom during first two weeks of school/ helped in special education
·     Administered Dibels tests to students in grades K-6/administered MAZE tests to select students
in grade 3
Field Study: Grades 2 and 6, Fair Haven K-8 School, Fair Haven, CT              September 2012-May 2013                                                                                                                                                                                   
·     Worked in small groups for extra math help/ taught lessons on long division (Grade: 6 during Fall)
·     Assisted students in creating and observing biomes (Grade: 6)
·     Conducted DRA testing on several students (Grade: 2 during Spring)
·     Created lessons with differentiated instruction and worksheets to assess student progress (Grade: 2)
·     Worked with small groups and individual students to build fluency and comprehension skills (Grade: 2)
Observational Field Study: North Haven Elementary School, North Haven, CT  September 2011-May 2012                                                                 
·     Worked with fourth grade students on: science experiments, spelling, and social studies projects.
Education Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education K-6 - certification pending        May 2014   
Quinnipiac University, Mount Carmel, CT.
Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Education 7-12 - certification pending     May 2014
Quinnipiac University, Mount Carmel, CT.
B.A. Degree in English                                                                                                May 2013
Quinnipiac University, Mount Carmel, CT.
{Related Work Experience/ Activities}
Volunteer Bible Class Teacher: Whitney Avenue Church of Christ, North Haven, CT.  January 2012-present
·     Teach students from ages 5-8.
·     Facilitate Children Devotionals once a month which involve activities that reinforce what is taught in class.
Teaching Pre-school Math, Southington YMCA                                                       February 2014
·     Presented a professional development for 50 Pre-school teachers from Cheshire and Southington  
regarding how to teach their students math based on the cognitive domains using centers, manipulatives,
technology, movement, art, and music.
Yearbook Committee, Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                                 March 2014-April 2014
·     Responsible for taking pictures of students in grades Pre-K-6 in class and during school events.
Drama Club, Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                                           March 2014-June2014
·     Responsible for assisting the director of the Wizard of Oz play.
·     Helped students practice and remember their lines for the play.
Raising Readers: Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                                 November 2013-June 2014
·     Helped students read and listened to them read
·     Helped students complete art activities
Morning Program: Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                              October 2013-June 2014
·     Watch students and play board games with them for an hour before school begins because parents
have to work
Open House: Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                                           September 2013
·     Helped set up for event, greeted parents, and inform them about programs offered at the school.
PTA Member: Church Street Elementary School, Hamden, CT                                        November 2013-June 2014
·     Attended meetings and provided ideas to promote more parent involvement and activities for students.
Teacher’s Assistant: Leila Day Nurseries, Inc., New Haven, CT.                                      August 2010-June 2013
·     Practiced number and letter recognition.
·     Taught students their colors and how other colors can be made through exploration of paint.
·     Encouraged the use of dramatic play to develop social skills and new learning.
·     Helped students learn various techniques for coping with anger and disagreements.
·     Explored and observed nature outside.
·     Facilitated afternoon meetings: reading two books, discussing the books, and singing songs. 
Hamden Symphony Orchestra                                                                                  September 2009-present
·     Cellist
Art, Quinnipiac University                                                                                         July 2013
·     Learned how to incorporate art and music into the curriculum along with the Common Core State Standards.
·     Familiar with: drawing, using watercolor and acrylic paint, oil pastels, chalk, paper mache, pottery and sewing.
Student’s Institute for Future Teachers: Eastern Connecticut State University, Eastern CT.   June 2009
·     A four week program where I learned how to create lesson plans and a blog.
·     Created presentation on the film, F.A.T. City Workshop: Understanding Learning Disabilities (2004) regarding
 learning disabilities and the importance of differentiated instruction.
·     Read aloud to the class and assisted first grade teacher with ELL students at Natchaug Elementary to
strengthen fluency in reading.
{Skills and Training}
Professional DevelopmenT:
Teaching Health, Quinnipiac University                                                                    October 2013
·     Learned how to incorporate health into the curriculum using different activities.
Teaching with Common Core, Church Street School                                                November 2013
·     Learned ways to incorporate state standards into curriculum in beneficial ways                                              
Bloomboard and SBAC, Church Street School                                                           December 2013
·     Was introduced to the program online and how it works with regards to setting teaching goals
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Quinnipiac University    February 2014
·     Focused on what PBIS is, strategies to implement it in a school community, and its impact on  
learning environments.
Data and the Data Team Process, Quinnipiac University                                        March 2014
·     Discussed the purpose of data analysis and the impact data has on students’ achievement
  within the classroom.
Teacher’s College: Reading and Writing  Project, Columbia University                March 2014
·     Attended several workshops throughout the day about strategies for teaching poetry with
song lyrics, reading through videogames, and ways to teach students to enjoy close reading.
Using the SmartBoard, Quinnipiac University                                                         November 2013
·     Learned how to integrate technology into the classroom
iPads                                                                                                                             November 2013 – June 2014
·     Assisted fourth and fifth grade students with iPads in order for them to complete research
projects and presentations.
TumbleBooks                                                                                                              November 2013-June 2014
·     Used this program as a center during guided reading.
Lexia                                                                                                                             December 2013- March 2014
·     Computer program used to help English Language Learners advance their reading skills in English.
Moby Max                                                                                                                    February 2014-June 2014
·     Used this math program as a way for students in grades 3-6 practice math skills for the Smarter
Balanced Test.


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